What is Guest Post Service?
Guest Post also known as Guest Posting is a post you make to a website other. Articles with content including text, images, infographics, videos… in a certain field that you want to share on a website or blog with related topics, then you will receive a backlink pointing to your website. .
Backlinks are one of the factors used by Google to rank websites. When your articles and blogs are posted on partner websites with high traffic, it will help build links to your website. Thereby contributing to increasing the Trust (reputation) for your website, improving keyword rankings on Google search results.
Guest Post service quote
To make it easier for customers to choose and build the most diverse and high-quality Guest Post, WIFIM JSC provides more than 100 diverse fields such as: Marketing, Economics, Real Estate, Employment, Entertainment, Real Estate, General, Health, Technology,…
topchuan.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
top10timkiem.vn/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Summary |
list.vn/ | 2 links do | 1,856,400 VND | List, general blog |
kenhreviews.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
vntime.org/ | 2 links do | 780,000 VND | News Summary |
meohayaz.com/ | 2 links do | 780,000 VND | News Summary |
tinviet365.net/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
itvn.blog/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
blogtrangtri.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Summary of News, interior design, decor |
meotonghop.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
top10city.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Summary of News, Technology, Finance, Beauty, Travel |
top10hcm.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
tintuc.minhtan.com.vn/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | Summary of News, Technology, Beauty |
topgoogle.com.vn/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
bloghoingu.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
15minutes.org/ | 2 links do | 1,040,000 VND | News Summary |
1001cachlam.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
tintuc.minhtan.com.vn/ | 2 links do | 491,400 VND | Summary |
1001cachlam.com/ | 2 links do | 491,400 VND | Summary |
top10hcm.com/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
giadinh24.com/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
blogsoccer.net/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
www.sachcongnghe.com | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
bloghoingu.com/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
blogthienminh.com/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
blogtranphu.com/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
top10city.com/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
topdanhgia.vn/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
topgoogle.com.vn/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
fptshop.org/ | 2 | 491,400 VND | Summary |
nhiet.vn/ | 2 | 596,700 VND | Summary |
toigingiuvedep.vn/ | 2 | 2,381,600 VND | Summary |
haycafe.vn/ | 2 | 2,381,600 VND | Summary |
demoda.vn/ | 2 | 1,553,500 VND | Summary |
verbalearn.com/ | 2 | 1,670,500 VND | Summary |
15minutes.org/ | 2 | 689,000 VND | Summary |
tienganhlagi.org/ | 2 | 689,000 VND | Summary |
topbusiness.com/ | 2 | 1,007,500 VND | Summary |
topbaiviet.com/ | 2 | 591,500 VND | Summary |
canhchua.vn/ | 2 | 494,000 VND | Summary |
tonghop.vn/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | Review, health summary |
Anbac.info | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Summary |
www.theatre20.com/ | 2 links do | 780,000 VND | Summary |
tcn.vn/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Summary |
dichvuluatsuhanoi.com/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | News Summary |
congtybaohiemtoancau.com/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | News Summary |
gocchiase.net/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | General, Business, technology |
hoaphuongdo.vn/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | General, Entrepreneur, finance, real estate |
trangvangdoanhnghiep.com.vn/ | 2 links do | 1,040,000 VND | Summary and review of services |
topdanhgia.vn/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Summary of News, finance, technology, health |
www.lamdieu.com/ | 2 links do | Health summary | |
vietreview.vn | 2 links do | Product review | |
vietgle.vn/ | 2 links do | Summary of beauty and health | |
12h59.com/ | 2 links do | Health | |
khoemanh.vn/ | 2 links do | Health | |
Suckhoetretho.info | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Health |
Suckhoephunu.info | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Health |
Songkhoehomnay.net | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Health |
Suckhoebabau.info | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Health |
Suckhoedanongviet.net | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Health |
khoeplus.com.vn/ | 2 links do | 780,000 VND | Health |
suckhoehanhphuc.vn/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Health |
khoedep24gio.com/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | Health |
tritraonguocdaday.com/ | 2 links do | 390,000 VND | Health |
bacsithai.com/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Health |
advancinghumanrights.org | 2 links do | 780,000 VND | Health |
meovatgiadinh.vn/ | 2 links do | 520,000 VND | Health |
hoibuonchuyen.com/ | 2 links do | 455,000 VND | Health |
massageishealthy.com/ | 2 links do | 1,170,000 VND | Health |
manayi.vn/suc-khoe/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Health |
vuonxavietnam.net/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | General news – Health |
phongkhamtribenhtri.com/ | 2 links do | 520,000 VND | General news – Health |
caodangykhoatphcm.edu.vn/ | 2 links do | 520,000 VND | Health |
doctors24h.vn/ | 2 links do | 2,470,000 VND | Health |
doisongvietnam.vn/suc-khoe.html | 2 links do | 195,000 VND | General news – Health |
anticanviet.com/ | 2 links do | 565,500 VND | Health |
giathuochapu.com/ | 2 links do | 299,000 VND | Health |
darkedeneurope.com/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Health – Horoscope |
paydayloanssqa.com/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Summary – Health |
chrissiemanby.com/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Life – Health |
tamkyrt.vn/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Health – Religion |
tinycollege.edu.vn/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Life – Health |
www.sachcongnghe.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | CN, synthesis |
fptshop.org/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | CN, synthesis |
phanmemsach.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | CN, synthesis |
ngucongnghe.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Technology, tips |
blogtranphu.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Technology |
congnghesohoa.com/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | Technology |
topthuthuat.com/ | 2 links do | 1,040,000 VND | Technology, tips |
ezlasso.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Tricks and technology |
Coolpadmobile.vn | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Technology |
trangcongnghe.vn/ | 2 links do | 1,950,000 VND | Technology – Vehicles |
ecci.com.vn/ | 2 links do | 780,000 VND | Technology, synthesis |
blogthienminh.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
gocchiase.net/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Tricks and technology |
10namrog.com/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | Technology |
bdkhtravinh.vn/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Technology |
icapi.org/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Technology – Football |
onfire-bg.com/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Technology – Virtual currency – Finance |
jdomain.vn/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Technology |
zerovn.net/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Technology – Business – Marketing |
gocnhintangphat.com/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Technology |
binhkhipho.vn/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Technology – Games |
thietkewebhcm.com.vn/ | 2 links do | 585,000 VND | Technology – Website |
atpcare.vn | 2 links do | 1,392,300 VND | Software |
phanmematp.vn | 2 links do | 861,900 VND | Software |
phanmemmienphi.vn | 2 links do | 861,900 VND | Software |
atpseo.com | 2 links do | 490,620 VND | Software, SEO |
danhgiaphanmem.vn | 2 links do | 490,620 VND | Software Review |
ytuongtinhdoanh.vn/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | News Summary |
Banhanggioi.net | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Business |
Kinhnghiemkhoinghiep.net | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Business |
Tiepthigioi.net | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Business |
Kinhdoanhgioi.net | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Business |
bankstore.vn/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | Business, Finance |
topbusiness.com/ | 2 links do | 1,040,000 VND | News Summary |
kynanglamgiau.edu.vn/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | News Summary |
webtietkiem.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | General, Finance |
Blogphuot.info | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Travel |
vietyouth.vn/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | Travel |
khoanhkhacvietnam.vn/ | 2 links do | 780,000 VND | Travel |
toidulich.net | 2 | 384,540 VND | Travel |
mientrungdep.net | 2 | 437,580 VND | Travel |
blogphuot.info | 2 | 517,140 VND | Travel |
idulich.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Travel |
atptravel.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Travel |
xaongon.net | 2 | 384,540 VND | Cuisine |
angitoinay.net | 2 | 384,540 VND | Cuisine |
monngontrungbo.net | 2 | 450,840 VND | Cuisine |
monngonnambo.net | 2 | 517,140 VND | Cuisine |
monngonmienbac.net | 2 | 556,920 VND | Cuisine |
nuongthom.net | 2 | 556,920 VND | Cuisine |
tinphuot.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Summary of News and Travel |
Caunoiyeuthuong.vn | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Life |
Cuocsongtre.top | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Life |
Giadinhviet.top | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Life |
Songtre.info | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Life |
Songvui.top | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Life |
giadinh24.com | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
thongtinduan.com/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | real estate, Construction |
blogbatdongsan.vn/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | News Summary |
tinxaydung.com/ | 2 links do | 650,000 VND | Real estate, Construction |
moneydaily.vn/ | 2 links do | 780,000 VND | Synthesis, Construction |
nhadattoanquoc.net/ | 2 links do | 910,000 VND | News Summary |
snhadat.com/ | 2 | 663,000 VND | Only real estate, furniture, finance |
snhadat.com.vn/ | 2 | 611,000 VND | Only real estate, furniture, finance |
vanphongquan1.com/ | 2 | 663,000 VND | Only real estate, furniture, finance |
vanphongquan3.com/ | 2 | 598,000 VND | Only real estate, furniture, finance |
chothuenha123.com/ | 2 | 663,000 VND | Only real estate, furniture, finance |
canhovinhome.com/ | 2 | 663,000 VND | Only real estate, furniture, finance |
masteri-thao-dien.com/ | 2 | 598,000 VND | Only real estate, furniture, finance |
vanphongchothue.vn/ | 2 | 994,500 VND | Only real estate, furniture, finance |
atpland.vn | 2 | 994,500 VND | Real estate |
nhadatraovat.vn | 2 | 861,900 VND | Real estate for sale |
kenhxehoi.com | 2 | 861,900 VND | Car channel |
xemoto.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Vehicles, motorbikes |
xevespa.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Vehicles, motorbikes |
linhkienxehoi.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Car components |
otochevrolet.com.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Cars |
chatfuel.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Marketing, business |
lamgiau.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Marketing knowledge, get rich |
internetmarketing.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Online Marketing |
kienthucseo.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | SEO and marketing knowledge |
atpsoftware.vn | 2 | 3,116,100 VND | Marketing – Business… |
thuyen.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Personal marketing blog |
socialmarketing.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Social network knowledge |
kol.com.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | KOLs, celebrities, marketing |
congdongonline.com | 2 | 464,100 VND | Community, marketing |
tuongthan.vn | 2 | 455,000 VND | Game |
yamada.edu.vn | 2 | 455,000 VND | Game |
pntechcons.com.vn | 2 | 325,000 VND | Game |
dnppower.com.vn | 2 | 455,000 VND | Game |
calidas.vn | 2 | 390,000 VND | Game |
kenhraovat.vn | 2 | 861,900 VND | News classifieds |
chogiasi.com.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Buying and selling market |
thegioivoucher.vn | 2 | 861,900 VND | Vouchers, hot deals |
bannuochoa.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Sell perfume |
banhangzalo.com | 2 | 490,620 VND | Zalo Sales |
kenhthieunhi.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Mother and baby |
thoitrangbau.vn | 2 | 464,100 VND | Maternity fashion |
daydan.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Teaching piano |
hocketoan.com.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Study accounting |
muabaohiem.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Insurance |
anhcuoi.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Wedding photos |
studio.com.vn | 2 | 464,100 VND | Studio, photography |
workshop.vn | 2 | 490,620 VND | Event organization |
nhayen.vn | 2 | 464,100 VND | Swallow’s nest house |
yensaocaocap.vn | 2 | 464,100 VND | Bird’s nest |
Benefits of Guest Post service for SEO
- Limit risks when using a large number of Guest posts
- Easy to analyze and measure effectiveness
- Increase brand awareness on Google
- Drive users to your website
Difficulties customers encounter when buying Guest Post
- Can’t find a reputable Guest Post sale
- Backlinks can easily be removed after payment
- Difficult to buy large quantities of reputable, quality backlinks
- Not receiving advice on a suitable backlink strategy
- Guest Post does not match the requested field
- Not delivering keyword growth
- No warranty, contract or VAT payable upon purchase