Price List

The entire budget will be loaded 100% to Google to run Google Ads Customer Pay the exact advertising cost that Google takes + service fee For customers who do not have old data, it is recommended to run for 2 weeks to get data before start the service, and % of the budget is the bonus KPI when achieved. Or you can rent a Ads account from WIFIM JSC.

Suitable for business households

4,000,000 /month

Check circle 2 Design photos and write Ads Content (4 articles)

Check circle 2 Maximum 4 advertising campaigns

2 Set up BM account

2 Install Shopee link to run CPAS

Suitable for small businesses

6,000,000 /month

Check circle 2 Design photos and write Ads Content (8 articles)

Check circle 2 Maximum 8 advertising campaigns

Check circle 2 Google Remarketing

Check circle 2 Check and optimize ads every 2 days

Suitable for medium and larger businesses

8,000,000 /month

Check circle 2 Designing photos and writing Ads Content (12 articles)

Check circle 2 Maximum 12 advertising campaigns

Check circle 2 Plan advertising strategies as required

Check circle 2 Check and optimize ads every 2 days

Suitable for business households

4,000,000 /month

Check circle 2 Design photos and write Content QC (< 4 articles)

Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

2 Set up BM account

2 Install Shopee link to run CPAS

Suitable for small businesses

6,000,000 /month

Check circle 2 Design photos and write Content QC (< 8 articles)

Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

Check circle 2 Install Shopee link to run CPAS

Check circle 2 Check and optimize ads every 2 days

Suitable for medium and larger businesses

8,000,000 /month

Check circle 2 Design photos and write Content QC (< 12 articles)

Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

Check circle 2 Plan advertising strategies as required

Check circle 2 Check and optimize ads every 2 days

Suitable for business households

Contact /year

 Check circle 2 Photo design and Content QC writing (< 4 articles)

 Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

2 Set up BM account

2 Install Shopee link running CPAS

Suitable for small businesses

Contact /year

 Check circle 2 Photo design and Content QC writing (< 8 articles)

 Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

 Check circle 2 Install Shopee link to run CPAS

 Check circle 2 Check and optimize ads every 2 days

Suitable for medium and larger businesses

Contact /year

 Check circle 2 Photo design and Content QC writing (< 12 articles)

 Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

 Check circle 2 Plan advertising strategies as required

 Check circle 2 Check and optimize ads every 2 days

Suitable for business households

Contact /year

Check circle 2 Design photos and write Content QC (< 4 articles)

Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

2 Set up BM account

2 Install Shopee link to run CPAS

Suitable for small businesses

Contact /year

Check circle 2 Photo design and QC content writing (< 8 articles)

Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

Check circle 2 Install Shopee link to run CPAS

Check circle 2 Check and optimize ads every 2 days

Suitable for medium and larger businesses

Contact /year

Check circle 2 Design photos and write Content QC (< 12 articles)

Check circle 2 Up Advertising Campaign

Check circle 2 Plan advertising strategies as required

Check circle 2 Check and optimize ads every 2 days

Google ADS advertising service price list

Workgroup Job description Google ADS Setup Package Basic Google Ads Package Standard Google Ads Package Optimized Google Ads Package Google Ads Development Package Google Ads VIP Package Google Ads Performance Package
Service information
Budget   < 20,000,000 VND / Month < 40,000,000 VND / Month < 60,000,000 VND / Month < 100,000,000 VND / Month < 200,000,000 VND / Month > 60,000,000 VND / Month
Deployment time 5 Days 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month By campaign
Service fee 2,000,000 VND 4,000,000 VND 6,000,000 VND 8,000,000 VND 12,000,000 VND 17,000,000 VND According to Performance
Analyze the keyword group you want to advertise Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Develop an advertising strategy Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Prepare content
Landing Page content options Consulting 1 LandingPage / 4 Ads Content 2 LandingPage / 8 Ads Content 4 Landing Page / 12 Ads Content 6 Landing Page / 20 Web Content 6 Landing Page / 20 Web Content Check circle 2
Landing Page image design Consulting Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
CTA settings Consulting Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Ad setup
Ads Campaign Management 1 Campaign Maximum 4 Campaigns Up to 8 Campaigns Up to 12 Campaigns Maximum 20 Campaigns Maximum 30 Campaigns Check circle 2
Advertising Budget Pay directly to Google Pay directly to Google Pay directly to Google Pay directly to Google Pay directly to Google Pay directly to Google Check circle 2
Set up ads according to finalized information Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Google Search Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
GDN Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Google Remarketing 2 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Google Smart Shopping 2 2 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Youtube Trueview 2 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Youtube Discovery 2 2 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
APP Ads 2 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Support for handling account errors Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Report Analysis
Advertising effectiveness analysis report 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Daily
Advertising optimization suggestions 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2
Check campaign optimization 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2 Check circle 2

Google ADS advertising service price list

Workgroup Job description Google ADS Setup Package Basic Google Ads Package Standard Google Ads Package Google Ads VIP Package
Service information Budget < 10,000,000 VND < 30,000,000 / Month < 50,000,000 / Month > 50,000,000 / Month
Deployment time Maximum 5 Days Maximum 1 Month Maximum 1 Month Maximum 1 Month
Service fee 1,500,000 4,000,000 5,500,000 7,500,000
Analysis Analyze the keyword group you want to advertise
Develop an advertising strategy
Prepare content Support content Landing Page Consulting Maximum 1 LandingPage Maximum 2 LandingPages Maximum 4 LandingPages
Landing Page image design Consulting
CTA settings Consulting
Set up ads QC Campaign Setup 1 Campaign Maximum 4 Campaigns Up to 8 Campaigns Up to 12 Campaigns
Advertising Budget Pay directly to Google Pay directly to Google Pay directly to Google Pay directly to Google
Set up ads according to finalized information
Google Search
Google Remarketing
Google Smart Shopping
Youtube Trueview
Youtube Discovery
APP advertising
Support for handling account errors
Report analysis Advertising effectiveness analysis report Every Wednesday Every Tuesday, Friday Every Tuesday, Friday
Ad optimization suggestions
Check campaign optimization
Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now

Google ADS advertising service price list

Google ADS Setup Package
Budget < 10,000,000 VND
Deployment time Maximum 5 Days
Service fee 2,000,000
Analyze the keyword group you want to advertise Check circle 2
Develop an advertising strategy Check circle 2
Support content Landing Page Consulting
Landing Page image design Consulting
CTA settings Consulting
QC Campaign Setup 1 Campaign
Advertising Budget Pay directly to Google
Set up ads according to finalized information Check circle 2
Google Search Check circle 2
GDN Check circle 2
Google Remarketing X-2
Google Smart Shopping X-2
Youtube Trueview X-2
Youtube Discovery X-2
APP advertising X-2
Support for handling account errors Check circle 2
Advertising effectiveness analysis report X-2
Ad optimization suggestions X-2
Check campaign optimization X-2
Buy now
Budget < 30,000,000 / MONTH
Deployment time Maximum 1 Month
Service fee 4,000,000
Analyze the keyword group you want to advertise Check circle 2
Develop an advertising strategy Check circle 2
Support content Landing Page Maximum 1 LandingPage
Landing Page image design Check circle 2
CTA settings Check circle 2
QC Campaign Setup Maximum 4 Campaigns
Advertising Budget Pay directly to Google
Set up ads according to finalized information Check circle 2
Google Search Check circle 2
GDN Check circle 2
Google Remarketing X-2
Google Smart Shopping X-2
Youtube Trueview X-2
Youtube Discovery X-2
APP advertising X-2
Support for handling account errors Check circle 2
Advertising effectiveness analysis report Every Wednesday
Ad optimization suggestions Check circle 2
Check campaign optimization Check circle 2
Buy now
Budget < 50,000,000 / MONTH
Deployment time Maximum 1 Month
Service fee 6,000,000
Analyze the keyword group you want to advertise Check circle 2
Develop an advertising strategy Check circle 2
Support content Landing Page Maximum 2 LandingPages
Landing Page image design Check circle 2
CTA settings Check circle 2
QC Campaign Setup Up to 8 Campaigns
Advertising Budget Pay directly to Google
Set up ads according to finalized information X-2
Google Search Check circle 2
GDN Check circle 2
Google Remarketing Check circle 2
Google Smart Shopping Check circle 2
Youtube Trueview Check circle 2
Youtube Discovery X-2
APP advertising Check circle 2
Support for handling account errors Check circle 2
Advertising effectiveness analysis report Every Tuesday, Friday
Ad optimization suggestions Check circle 2
Check campaign optimization Check circle 2
Buy now
Budget > 50,000,000 / MONTH
Deployment time Maximum 1 Month
Service fee 8,000,000
Analyze the keyword group you want to advertise Check circle 2
Develop an advertising strategy Check circle 2
Support content Landing Page Maximum 4 LandingPages
Landing Page image design Check circle 2
CTA settings Check circle 2
QC Campaign Setup Up to 12 Campaigns
Advertising Budget Pay directly to Google
Set up ads according to finalized information Check circle 2
Google Search Check circle 2
GDN Check circle 2
Google Remarketing Check circle 2
Google Smart Shopping Check circle 2
Youtube Trueview Check circle 2
Youtube Discovery Check circle 2
APP advertising Check circle 2
Support for handling account errors Check circle 2
Advertising effectiveness analysis report Every Tuesday, Friday
Ad optimization suggestions Check circle 2
Check campaign optimization Check circle 2
Buy now
Rating 2

If you don’t have an advertising account
then please refer to this article Arrow square down 1

Work Group Job description
FB ads setup
Support Support
Set up personal advertising account (check account, add visa)
Checkbox 1
Support for handling account errors Checkbox 1
Support Support
Writing Content to run Ads
Checkbox 1
Ads photo design according to Content Checkbox 1
Set up automatic posting schedule at prime time Google Checkbox 1
Basic seeding before running Ads (average 100 likes , 10 cmt per advertisement) Checkbox 1


Step 1:

Receive information, learn about businesses


Step 3:

Analyze business, market and target advertising

…………………… …..

Step 5:

Deploy ads


Step 7:

Regular reports


– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


Step 2:

Set up account


Step 4:

Make specific plans and prepare content


Step 6:

Measurement and optimization

Step 1:

Receive information, learn about the business


Step 2:

Set up account


Step 3:

Analyze your business, market and target advertising


Step 4:

Make specific plans and prepare content


Step 5:

Deploy ads


Step 6:

Measurement and optimization


Step 7:

Regular reports


…………………… ………………………………………………………. ………

Forms of running Google Ads ads

Advertising Google Outreach

Google Post Interaction

Google Increase Website likes

Click to Google

Click to Web

Video ThruPlay

Livestream Google

Why should you run Google Ads